[ME2DAY/110117] Dara and her ‘Apple Hair’



이번여행엔 여러가지 시도를 해봤어요…ㅋ^_^v 떠나기전날 급!꼬마눈꼬리 화장법과 사과머리 수업을받았어요ㅋ사과머리는 나름 갠찬지않아요?*^^*? 하지만..눈화장은..열심히해봤는데..ㅠ눈꼬리가 점점 길어지더니 관자놀이까지 올라온거같아서ㅋ열심히 선글이끼고다녔어요!ㅋ


i tried many things on this trip.. k ^_^v just the day b4 leaving, i had a class about lil tail of the eye makeup and an apple shaped hair kk doesn’t it look good? the apple hair? *^^*? but the eye makeup.. i tried hard..T.T but it was getting longer n longer and looked like it was up to my temple kk so I just wore sunglasses! kk


Source: Dara’s Me2day

Translation: HuisuYoon@21bangs.com


[ME2DAY/110117] Dara is blown away by the wind

스피드 보트탄 달옹의 뒷통수…ㅋㅋ 바람에 날려 날라가겠다 ~ !ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아름다워보이고싶었는뎅…ㅋㅋ 역시..ㅋㅋ웃기네요 ㅋㅋ

Speed Boat driver Dalong’s nape… ㅋㅋ The wind is blowing me away ~ ! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I wanted to show pretty… ㅋㅋ Also..ㅋㅋfunny ㅋㅋ

Source: Dara’s me2day
Rough translations by Meeyamia of Letsplay2ne1

[ME2DAY/110117] Minzy shares a photo with tears? and even mentioned “Secret Garden”

으앙 ㅠㅠ 시크릿가든이 끝나버렸어요~ 이제 내 주말 밤9시55분을 어떻게 책임지실거에요!?ㅠㅠ이 어메이징한 드라마야!! ㅋㅋ

Waahng ㅠㅠ I finished watching Secret Garden~ Now how will I spend 09:55pm on weekends!? ㅠㅠ This is an amazing drama!! ㅋㅋ

Source: Minzy’s me2day
Rough translations by Meeyamia of Letsplay2ne1